What is APD?

Apparel Production Data (APD) is a tool that help factories increase their productivity and efficiency especially in this very challenging market. All production operators can follow the SAM / SMV to accomplish their task. The operation database will include a step by step instruction on how to complete a garment. APD allows users to customize the ADD parameter such as machinery allowance, fabric type, stitch per centimeter, etc. The APD does not only consider for hardware but also for ILO allowance like personal fatigue, environment rating, contingency allowance, etc


Web Based

Real time access to APD from any devices with web browser.

Machine Allowance

Handles the machine data and machine features.

Operation Database

Calculates the SMV, SAM, sewing length and TMU for each production operation steps.

Apparel Production Data

Schedules cutting, sewing, finishing and pick & pack operation for am apparel and calculate the total SMV needs .

Macro and Feature

Allows user to create templates to increase the speed to generate a operation and apparel production data.

Reporting Tools

Present apparel production data in paper report format.

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